Friday, June 02, 2006

Campin' with the Kids

Me and my kiddos are going camping tonight and we are all excited! H has a lot of ladies coming over tonight to doing some planning for the Church MOPS group (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers). So, me and the kids are vacating for the night to Ray Roberts State Park/Johnson unit which is on a lake just north of Denton about an hour drive from us. The neat thing about this trip is that it's my baby girl's first camp-out so we'll see how she does.

This will be our third official camping trip (not including Church camp-outs). We went to Tyler State Park (our favorite so far, campsite #9) and spent 3 nights in August of 2005. We did an overnight at Cedar Hill State Park in November of 2005 (campsite #45) and we learned about tracking animals the next day from a Ranger.

We love being outside away from the TV and other distractions and enjoying some time around a campfire and hanging out as a family. It's great fun and not too costly.

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