Sunday, November 12, 2006

Which way did he go?

Sorry! It's been so long since I've posted I feel like a blog loser.

I've just been busy with work, family, and parenting so my priorities have been right! At work, we are kicking off a Web redesign so there's a lot of work to be done there but it fun and exciting. Speaking of parenting, my wife is working a lot this month and that means that I've got more time with the kids so we've been playing more games (like Battleship and Uno) and even camping (that'll be a separate posting).

I've also really tried to focus on my Mamaw lately and she is doing much better. We got her going with Assisted Living and we are adjusting pretty well now. My Mom and I are now using a new blog that I created to record her health information (private!) so that we can share it with each other and we also have something to print out for the doctor's records. It's been some work to get it going but it's well worth it.

I also helped my Pastor start a blog for our Men's Ministry called Band of Brothers. It's been fun and very useful to help the church get started and be able to post, send out via e-mail (using FeedBlitz), and catalog for future use his devotional thoughts each week. We are also using categories that will come in handy for the future. The blog allows us to be able to search the entries also and keep everything in one place instead of stored in bunches of different e-mails.

Okay, I'll post again when I finish polishing up a few postings that I have saved over the weeks.

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