Monday, November 13, 2006

It's a mouse . . . and not for the computer!!!

Well, here I am up late and wide awake. Why? Because we found a mouse in our garage tonight!!! That's the first time that has ever happened.

The weather here is starting to get colder and we found out that others are experiencing the same thing. About 10:15 p.m. Heather came to tell me that "something is in the garage!" When I checked it out, I found what I think was a "house mouse" trapped in an empty trash can. Notice that I used the word "was" since I took care of him cleanly and humanely. Thank the Lord that he was in the empty trash can! I took a picture of him, secured the lid on the trash can (which I will always do from now on), and researched it on the Web since I had no idea what to do.

After my research, I found out that drowning the critters was the best way to kill them if you catch them alive. So, I took the trash can out into the yard and filled it with water while I made a 24 hour Walmart run to get a trap and poison. I found some droppings but not a lot. However, where there is one there is probably more. I thought that it was gross, but Heather was thoroughly FREAKED OUT.

We have an exterminator coming tomorrow so we'll see how this shakes out. I'm hoping for quick and easy solutions to this problem!

Update: We had to clean out the garage really well and disinfect it. We put out some rat poison but the exterminator said that he thought it would be fine. After several weeks, we still have not seen or found evidence of any more -- thank goodness!

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