Saturday, September 30, 2006

Root cause analysis

Well, after running every test imaginable on her heart and head the good news is that everything is normal! The bad news is that we still have no idea what is causing these fainting spells and the mental after-effects. I feel like we keep mopping up the water but we never can find the pipe that's leaking! If we could just find the leak then we may be able to define a plan to either correct it or mitigate it.

This feels like a faith-building exercise but that is one thing that I haven't prayed for lately. During the first few days of this, Tuesday and Wednesday, I didn't make the time for my Bible study and prayer. Since then, I realized that I really needed to make the time and the effect has been dramatic in my own heart and mind.

We're having to make some decisions about how best to proceed and it looks likely that she will move from an "independent living" situation to an "assisted living" situation within her retirement home. The ability for her home to offer both situations in one facility was a key when we selected it. Now, years later, it looks like it's time to utilize that availability.

1 comment:

April Lynn said...

Oh dear! Praying for your family...