Heather wrote this up on some funny things our kids have done lately.
Caris' adventure in dance and tumbling
Okay, so Caris thinks she can dance. Really. She went to watch her friend Macy's little recital for dance and gymnastics. I had to hold her tightly in my lap because she kept crying how she wanted to dance.....THEN, we moved to the gym part. The cute little girls in their tutu's had practiced their grand entrance for months. They were going to run into the gym, do a front head roll on a large mat, right in front of all the parents and then do a grand "ta da."
Caris' adventure in dance and tumbling
Okay, so Caris thinks she can dance. Really. She went to watch her friend Macy's little recital for dance and gymnastics. I had to hold her tightly in my lap because she kept crying how she wanted to dance.....THEN, we moved to the gym part. The cute little girls in their tutu's had practiced their grand entrance for months. They were going to run into the gym, do a front head roll on a large mat, right in front of all the parents and then do a grand "ta da."
Silly me. I thought the moment had passed with Caris' desire to join in. But, in the middle of the grand entrance--music blaring--Caris jumps up, runs across the room, and dives headfirst onto the little mat, rolling down it. All this while a little girl in her tutu came running to a screeching halt--her front roll entrance was ruined by Caris' interruption.
Macy's mom got the whole thing on tape. Needless to say, we are planning to sign Caris up next fall for the ballet/tap/and gymnastics class. She can do the whole fall semester--one class a week--she is so excited!
Kindergarten sayings
Cooper's teacher had their class put together memory books. She had them each draw pictures of what they want to be when they grow up (Coop did an artist, of course). And, she had the class finish popular sayings. Here's a sampling, from their kindergarten class:
Cooper's teacher had their class put together memory books. She had them each draw pictures of what they want to be when they grow up (Coop did an artist, of course). And, she had the class finish popular sayings. Here's a sampling, from their kindergarten class:
It's always darkest before.....morning. (pretty close!)
Where there's smoke....there's spicy toothpaste.
Better to be safe than...cold.
Strike while the....rain is coming.
Never underestimate the power of....lightening.
You can lead a horse to water but...it will sink.
You can't teach an old dog to...fish.
The pen is mightier than the...pencil.
If you lie down with dogs, you'll...get fleas. (they got that one right!)
If at first you don't succeed...climb an apple tree.
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