Monday, July 31, 2006

Kids and stress

We are starting to see signs at our house that the kids are getting stressed about school (especially Cooper who will start Kindergarten). I did a little research at lunch to ensure that I'm doing my part as a Dad to help them deal with their stress and thought that I would document my findings here for everyone's benefit.

Here's a list of ideas for us as parents:
  • Pray with them and share scripture.
  • Reinforce their worth, their effectiveness, that we love them regardless, and their ability to take action.
  • Help you child talk through it (what do they feel, why do they feel that way, what can they do about it, etc.). Don't be accusing or try to fix it (that's a reminder for me!) just listen and let them work through it.
  • Encourage vigorous physical activity.
  • Spend special one-on-one time.
  • Give gentle physical touch/support (back rubs, hugs, etc.).
  • Tell supportive stories or role play situations.
  • Shift perspective (how do you think the other kids are feeling, what about the teacher, how do you think Daddy felt when I went through that type of situation).
  • Help them anticipate and plan for a stressful situation. Help them think through the worst case scenario and then understand that it won't likely be that bad.
  • Model coping successfully with stress.
Links to just a few pieces of additional information: article article
Iowa State University Extension PDF

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