Thank you Saturday Night Live (the old and good version) for the title of this post --remember Garrett Morris as Chico Esquela. Collin and I went to the
Rangers vs. Diamondbacks game tonight. I thought that I'd post before I forgot the best parts.
We got the tickets from Jake and Suzanne since Collin was the ring-bearer for their wedding -- thanks guys! Collin wanted to call his mom and his Boo and couldn't stop talking after the game since he had so much fun! His "best parts" were the blue Build-a-Bear that he got for free before the game, the players that he got to talk to (more on that later), scoring the game (more later), sitting up close (last 2 innings), and watching the band playing outside the stadium after the game was over. He had a blast and it was a great Father/Son experience from top to bottom!
We got to the stadium around 5:30 because I wanted Collin to watch batting practice (BP), see

some of the players up close, see the stadium start to fill up and come alive, and obviously not miss our favorite part -- the national anthem. We watched Arizona take BP and Collin got autographs from
Conor Jackson (good young player) and
Eric Byrnes. They were both really nice. After BP was winding down, we went to the outfield picnic and game area and Collin did the wiffle-ball hitting game (very fun).
We made it to our seats in time to get settled in, check the line-ups, and cry during the national

anthem sung by a kid (maybe 9 - 11) who did a great job. I had
printed some score sheets out that I talked to Collin about on the way to the game to see if he was interested in scoring the game. He said that he wanted to try so I quickly filled in the line-ups and we got started scoring -- very fun and a great way to keep even a so-so game interesting. I found a pretty cool kid's score sheet (see link above, copyright Patrick McGovern) on the Web meant to be easy and not too much for them to track. Collin did great and learned the player numbering system fast. It was a fun thing to be able to teach my son. I have some mistakes in my sheet because I really tried to focus on him and answer all of

his questions. I decided before the game and it didn't matter at all to me if he even wanted to do it and I asked him several times if he wanted to stop and just watch or go walk around. He wanted to keep doing it and we scored until the
7th inning stretch!! We had good seats in the upper-deck but needed the "stretch" so after getting a slushy we made our way down close to the field. Rangers games are always great for that -- the ushers stay down by the field and don't really check tickets after about the 7th inning and you can always find seats that aren't occupied down close to the field. We ended up about 15 rows back between home and first for the 8th and 9th innings.
Collin has played little league for several years and really gets the game. His excitement afterwards showed me that he really enjoyed the game and the experience. It was fun to be together and do some bonding!
Just for fun, here are my score sheets:

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