Thursday, May 04, 2006

What my kids have taught me . . . (part 2)

* It's not What you do -- love is about Who you are and Whose you are! Love is not performance-based! I had never thought about it before we had kids, but we learned early on (thankfully!) to make discipline about their behavior only. "You are not bad, your behavior is bad." It is important for us to instill in them that our love is not based on their behavior since they can't do anything that would make us stop loving them. Instead our love is based on Who they are and Whose they are -- they are MY KIDS and I love 'em! God is the same way. I am thankful that he has infinite patience with my failures and is always willing to run to me when I return to him since His love is not about What I do but about Who I am (the man that He created) and about Whose I am (His child).

* Prayer should be our first resort not our last resort (God cares about every small detail). One time when Collin was a baby we were having a very difficult time feeding him. He was crying and fussy and just refused to eat. We tried everything under the sun! We knew that he was hungry and it was time for him to go to sleep for the night. It was either feed him now and have a good night or put him down and be up half the night starting this whole cycle over again. Finally, there was nothing left for us to do and we just sat there and prayed. It was one of those desperation prayers. You know the kind . . . GOD PLEASE! Within five minutes, Collin had calmed down and was eating well. We got him to sleep and we all slept through the night. This was just one more example of how we put off praying and use it as a last resort. God wants us to go to Him with all of our needs and make Him an integral part of our life. We shouldn't just include Him when all else has failed.

Continue to Part 3
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